Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sickness + many teeth = no sleep = no blog entries

We're starting to get sleep again, thank goodness! Last night Bennett at one point slept for 5 hours straight. HOORAY!

When he first got sick about a week before Thanksgiving, he was waking up every 30 minutes to 2 hours. It was miserable. Matt and I were losing our minds, quite literally, to exhaustion.

Then I got the sickness - waaaaay worse than either Matt or Bennett. I still have a cough and it's been 2 weeks.

Anyhow, when Bennett was pretty much over the cold, we discovered 2 new bottom teeth and his first top one on its way through -- so no wonder the poor guy was hardly sleeping! Now he's got another top tooth that is teasing - it is SOOOOOO close to really popping through. It almost seems to come down, then go back up!

It also looks like his two top front teeth are just about ready to come through, so I think we'll be dealing with messed up sleep for awhile still. And then I hear that around the first birthday they often get their first molars?!?!? And those are supposed to REALLY hurt. Ugh. I now appreciate even more how good a sleeper Bennett was as a newborn. My hat's off to anyone gettin' the hang of this motherhood thing on zero sleep, because I so rarely had to do that when he was teensy.

Anyway, Little Ah-Goo is now napping nicely. He's on a pretty reliable nap schedule/routine now. Next I'd just like for him to sleep some nice, long, reliable stretches at night!

And for anyone who's wondering - he is sleeping pretty well in his own bed these days. We put his crib mattress on the floor in the corner of our bedroom, next to our bed. We put a night stand at the foot of it, so he's totally blocked in. He can't yet climb out, so it's basically a crib that I can get into and nurse him in pretty easily! And, if he's sleeping crappily or I just don't want t move, I reach down and pull him into bed with us when he wakes in the night.

Basically, we're still doing whatever gets everyone the most sleep. Having him in our room while he's still nursing a few times at night means that I am a little less of a zombie during our waking hours. I'm just hopeful that, once these teeth are in and he is healthy, he'll start sleeping those lovely 5-7 hour stretches of sleep again!

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