Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hanukkah 5, 6, 7, 8!

Very quick note. Bennett is teething again and currently enjoying some Motrin-induced relief. I'm hoping he'll sleep half decently tonight because we need to clean and pack before we go to bed and some more when we get up! We're excited for our trip to Washington -- and for Bennett's first Christmas!!

Night 5 brought Matt something other than soap! I made him a rather simple-looking shadow box that had his number and finisher's medal from the half marathon he ran in September of 2007. On his bib number was his finishing time.

I got the promise of two (2) 3 hour stretches without Bennett - so now I have 10 hours total! Woot!

Bennett got the promise of a blanket that is soooo close to being finished...that I started during my second trimester....oops.

Night 6 was skipped. We were tired. So Night 7 brought everyone two gifts...or at least the promise of 2 gifts. Brea got two packs of pencils, for use with her datebook! She also got "Matt, only better." Matt came home with a much-needed haircut, and Brea thought that was the gift - nope! Well, that was part of it - but really the gift is that Matt is going to figure out a way to get exercise back into his life and routine. I've been commenting that I miss his muscles - and I miss hearing how he felt after a good work out. He asked if this was a good present -- what is better than my husband's on-going health?

I got Matt a photo that he loved from that half marathon he ran - and he didn't realize it, but I had created the shadow box with the photo in mind, so it really completes the shadow box. I also got him this awesome bendy tripod thing that he's excited to use on our trip!

And then tonight - Night 8. Bennett received two Christmas-themed books. He got The Night Before Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Matt is already excited to read them to him tonight before bed!

Matt got Brea not only the promise of completing his gifts from last year (cleaning the oven and cleaning behind the fridge), but also cleaning the kitchen and making it a safe(r) place for Bennett to be. Right now we have to watch him pretty carefully in there!

And Matt got a bread book that he if VERY excited about! I think he might be bringing it to Washington so he can start trying out recipes!

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