Friday, August 8, 2008 pictures!

Bean digs the "spheroid." Or is it the "orb?" Matt can't decide what it should be called...
In any case, this kind-of-spherical toy actually came from the library, where you can check out toys for babies and toddlers (all are of materials that can be sanitized). What a great way to cut down on a graveyard of toys that he is bored with, eh?

Monica was here visiting last weekend - she took these awesome pictures. I made the collage at scrapblog.
Bennett has continued to be a smiley, happy baby....usually. And he grew CHEEKS! Actually, his 4 months stats were pretty awesome: 16lbs 5oz (75th-90th percentile) and 27.25 long that the nurse re-measured to be sure she hadn't added an inch. He's off the charts for length!
For the most part, Bean has stopped smiling for the camera. We usually get faces more like the above....or this:
He may be shocked by the camera...but I am shocked by this:
Yes, folks....he's sitting. He's got a mean tripod going on, which he's getting more and more stable in....and today he started lifting one hand....
And even tried for a moment of "look, ma! No hands!"
(Ok, I admit it, right after I snapped that he pretty much flopped straight backwards....)
And he can read!!!!
Just kidding about that last part.

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