Thursday, October 8, 2009

Whoah! Where did 2.5 months go?!?!

Time flies when you're having fun, I guess!

Here are lots and lots of pictures to make up for my delinquency!

In July, we went for a run...and Bennett required leg warmers! IN JULY! It was a pretty mild summer here in Indiana!

In early August, we added this step stool to our furniture and Bennett became quite the little helper! Here he is helping Matt make dinner:

And then we tortured the dogs by dressing them up in t-shirts given to us as gifts when Bennett was born:


We spent 11 days at the end of August in Washington State with the Carlson side of the family.

Typical morning attire in a Washington August - sweats and a flannel shirt!

And then swimming the afternoon of the same day! Typical!

One day we went to Bellingham. We went to a park on Bellingham Bay where Bennett played with other kids' toys.

And I threw rocks into the bay.

We went to a different park on Bellingham Bay and Bennett took a walk with Uncle "Pepe."

And Bennett had a blast on the slide with Dada and Grandpa!

So precious!

He loved watching the train go by near the park.

This is Matt cousin Nate, his kids Abel and Olivia, and Matt's cousin Andrea (and, obviously, Bennett and myself!)

This is Grandma Diane and Bennett up at Nate's cabin - which is quite a cabin and location!

Bennett loved the Evergreen State Fair. He especially loved the rooster stamp we got on entrance. It led to a couple days of him looking at his arm and crowing, then finding someone else's stamp and proclaiming "TWO!" (Or maybe it's "too" - this is still unclear!)

Asking for more horses (his modified sign)

Bennett has stayed asleep for a transfer maybe a total of 4 times in his entire LIFE. Two of them were on this trip to Washington. Here is what he looked like when we got back from the fair!

Bennett loved his Grandma Diane's gardens.

Bennett went in a roaring river (I believe it was the Skykomish?) and then we all went for a walk on a trail. Of course, the first thing he did was slurp water off his hand. And then he had to be stopped from going any further in. He was easily up to his waist and would have gone further -- and that water was COLD!

Bennett with Hillary, his Uncle Peter (who he calls "Pepe"), and Grandma Diane.

Bennett and Hillary are buddies. He calls her "Ha-Ha."

We had a Team Carlson photo shoot:

(Bennett looks dubious)

Then we had a photo shoot with Grandma and Grandpa Carlson:

Bennett apparently saw a plane :-)

Back at home, Bennett found a headband and made it his favorite hat. I happened to get pictures of him wearing his "hat" as well as a shirt that was Matt's 25 or so years ago!

I couldn't decide which of these to post. They're all of what I call Bennett's "camera face." This is what he thinks is smiling!


The Barbers said...

Where did the summer go? can't wait to see Bennett (and you) in El Paso1

Monica said...

Love his camera face! Thanks for the pictures :-)