Sunday, June 21, 2009

Peek-a-"Bah!" "BUH-bow!" "Ki-chuh" and kazoos!

On Thursday of this week, I was busy cleaning up the kitchen and making goodies for us as well as for a friend who just had twin boys. So, I set out to keep Bennett busy in the kitchen (KI-chuh!) for a little while. He's really into stirring and spoons right now!

We had such a fun Father's Day!

This morning Bennett discovered something amazing. Almost 2 years ago, friends of ours - both Oberlin alums - were married here in Bloomington. They had audience participation in the form of kazoo playing to...I think it was the recessional? It was a blast! Anyhow. Bennett found my kazoo this morning - it's been living on a shelf in the living room. He then made various noises while he had it in his mouth and, of course, discovered the wonder of the kazoo!

Generally, he walked around with it like this:

But I did try to teach him to use it "correctly":

We also planted our garden today - during which we set up Bennett's inflatable pool so he could hang out. Afterwards, bubbles were of course Bennett started saying repeatedly, "BUH-bow!" Matt brought out the bubbles and - you can tell from this picture (Matt can post a higher-quality version on the Picasa account) - Bennett was thrilled!

At the beginning of the month, Bennett and I went to get my regular kidney labs done, and the woman checking me in played peek-a-boo with Bennett. She would duck behind the desk and pop up and say "BOO!" He loved it! He started saying his version of "boo" - "bah!" So today we played some quality hide-and-seek. Every time he's getting ready to duck (or just look away) he shouts "BAH!" And then when he "re-appears" he shouts it again - and of course laughs and laughs and laughs.

We're having fun over here, and we're about to take our show on the road! We'll be leaving on Friday for a 10 day road trip....wish us luck with the 1-year-old in the backseat!

We'll be in Oberlin on Friday night, then onto Rochester for Saturday and Sunday nights. Monday through Thursday we'll be in Princeton, and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we'll be in Ocean City. Monday we'll make a stop over in Pittsburgh before returning to Btown on Tuesday.

1 comment:

JoyousJulia said...

Matt uses the same word for bubble! Bean's getting very big and very handsome.