Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ok, I stink at this blog-updating thing

But I'm surprised it's only been a month since I last updated. I will try to be better, but here are my excuses....

The past month has seen in Bennett an explosion of skills and an increase in separation anxiety. One of those skills is closing my computer and pushing it aside when he wants me to play with him.

Another is definitely talking. He's got several signs and several words (both are generally a little modified since he doesn't have all the consonant or vowel sounds and he doesn't have astounding fine motor control in his hands, either :-)). I'm trying to encourage him to use words, gestures, and signs instead of crying, grunting, and throwing tantrums. So, now he says, "up" when he wants to be picked up (though frequently is sounds more like "bup" or "pup"). Who in their right mind could update a blog when their child comes over, closes their computer, shoves it aside, and holds up their arms saying "bup!" Yeah, I can't resist. I pick him up and abandon the blog, the dishes, or whatever else I was trying to get done.

And then there's the separation anxiety we've been dealing with. I took him to the gym's childcare pretty consistently for a couple weeks - for 30-60 minutes at a time - and he got better while actually in childcare (he'd cry when I left, but i'd come back and see him playing and enjoying himsel until he saw me and started crying again). But the clingyness after childcare was unbearable. As an experiment, I went a few days without putting him in childcare and the clingyness improved - he was still clingy, but not AS clingy. Tried taking him to the gym and NOT putting him in childcare, and he would not let me put him down while we were there - which isn't even normal for him anywhere we go. He usually will go explore.

So now I'm trying to take him to the gym and do fun stuff so he associates the place with fun and not just separation. We'll try childcare again in a few weeks.

Let's see...what else is going on...

A couple weeks ago we went to the Indianapolis Children's Museum, and yesterday we went to Traderspoint Creamery for their Free Cone Day, and Bennett enjoy the cows and the chickens there. The ice cream was also quite good, but Bennett wouldn't try it! If you want pictures of those things, you should check out Matt's Picasa photos or mine on Facebook. If you need links to either, comment and I'll add links here. I am in a hurry to get this thing finished while the child climbs all over me....maybe I'll upload photos directly to the post later....

Busy busy!

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