Monday, February 16, 2009

Fun stuff!

Bennett is now officially a walker. He much prefers walking to crawling - he'll crawl to get over to something so he can pull up (he hasn't realized yet that he *is* actually capable of simply standing up wherever he is), but that's about it.

Anyhow, here are some pictures from the last couple weeks!

Bennett and his friend Noah crashing Bennett's car. So irresponsible!

Bennett looks a little concerned about Noah's driving...

Millet and Apple Sauce: A perfect pairing!

Dried mango -- YUMMY!

This past weekend I took Bennett for a run/walk on a 40-degree afternoon. He was pissed about having to wear something on his head - we had to use his jacket's hood because he instantly will rip a hat off. Anyway, he fussed about it before we left. This is when we returned. I have to say, he generally has this look on his face when in the stroller. He looks angry...but his dad's neutral face is a scowl, so perhaps that's the case here? He doesn't make a PEEP when he's in the stroller. He hardly moves. I think he's just chillin' out...


Bennett is obsessed with the dogs' food and water. Mainly, we think, the water. He just loves water. He puts his hand in their water bowl, and he's been known to dunk his shoe in (while not wearing it). So, this weekend we decided to give him a bowl of water sanctioned for play and see what happened. First he put his penguin pirate in (it's a bath toy he's been wandering around the house with lately), and then it seemed necessary to stand in it with his right foot. Repeatedly. It was serious business!

And a video of the occasion:

Wetfoot. He's pretty cute.

After dinner last night, during which Bennett smeared food in his hair, he got a bath. We let him stay in there for quite least 30 minutes...and he still didn't seem to want out! (And he was rockin' quite the bath 'do.)

This is such typical Bennett. As he's getting ready for bed, he wants some hard toy. I've tried to get him interested in a few teddy bears and plush toys, but he could not care less about them! Last night he had a Valentine's Day bucket from Grandma Joan and half a toothbrush case (the toothbrush case is a favorite. He gets ahold of that thing almost every day and has even fed it with a spoon.)


Monica said...

I'm really starting to see Matt's looks in Bennett! Especially the "Millet and Apple Sauce"! But he really just looks like both of you at once (at least that's what I think).

The water bowl video is funny :-)

Brea said...

I know - he's such a combination of the two of us! The serious faces look most like Matt to me. I was such a ham as a kid and Matt often looks so contemplative in old (well..and current..) photos.