Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sleep is a wonnnnnnderful thing!

I am making an effort to blog once a week! And I have no pictures to share this week - I'll try to get some of Bean standing up this week and upload them to the computer.

Also, Matt is hopefully getting some more storage space sometime soon and will upload VIDEO, and we'll start having VIDEO on here. Woot!

Anyhow. Sleep. Sleep is AMAZING.

Last night Bean nursed at about 10PM and then sprawled out in our bed. When Matt and I went to bed quite a bit later, we didn't want to move him. I was feeling cramped, so ended up going to sleep on the couch. I woke up at 4AM with a rock-hard left boob, wearing a sopping wet flannel shirt! Bennett slept from 10PM to 4AM and, since he's been nursing quite a bit at night lately (read: every 1 to 2 hours, sometimes wanting to nurse for hours on end at 5 or 6AM.... It's been a ROUGH few weeks!), this amazing amount of sleep was not quite what my body has become accustomed to!

Anyway, he's been sleeping so well for about the past 3 nights. Thank GOODNESS! He is still a little difficult to get down to sleep. And his naps are hit or miss - sometimes he napes for 2-3 hours a day. Sometimes 15 minutes. But by golly, I'm just glad to be sleeping again!

For a little while there, he was sleep crawling, sleep sitting, and just wanting to comfort nurse. Poor little guy was falling asleep, then he'd start crawling and hit his head repeatedly on the wall before he woke up!

And speaking of Bean hitting his head...

Last Saturday, Bennett pulled himself up to standing using our ottoman. He was waving a hand around, keeping the other hand on the ottoman. And then, all of a sudden, he flung himself forward - face-first onto the floor. And he had he ended up with rug burn on his forehead!

Matt and I comforted him and, sort of chuckled at the rug burn. And the bruised goose egg on his right temple. And the v-shaped red line on the back of his head.

And we called the pediatrician to ask what constitutes a reason to bring him in for a head injury.

I said something like, "soooooo....I know that he's going to hit his head. I know he's going to get bumps and bruises. I'm ok with that. But, you know....when does he need to see a doctor?"

The very nice nurse gave me a list of things to watch for. So, if you see me shining a bright light in my son's eyes, just know that I am checking for a concussion :-)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween - and other great photos!

I've been sooooo bad! Time to insert photos from the last couple of months so you won't notice...

To start, Bennett discovered dishes around 4 months. He digs dishes and they often allow both of us parents to eat with two hands!
Having pretty well mastered the art of sitting (he just couldn't get himself into a sitting position at this point), Bennett REALLY got into bath time. The addition of bath toys from cousin Chelsea totally sealed the deal on bathtime as happy time (except when it's over).

As always, Daddy and Bean love their books.

During a September trip to San Antonio to see Uma and Umpa, Bennett mastered the arts of sitting and spatula eating. He also had some beautiful photos taken, which you can see at Go a-lookin' for Bennett's feet in the grass to see the photos!

In September, fall came. And summer came back. And fall came again. And so on. Bennett looks really cute in fall clothes. Note the baby Smartwool socks from Grandma Diane and Grandpa Mark!

This was a face that Bennett started making. He would scrunch up his face and sort of pant/snort. I dubbed it the "Demon Face." He's not doing it anymore, and it was pretty difficult to capture on film. We never did figure out what prompted that face!

Sleep was gotten.

Guitars were played! (And standing up from a crawling position began...)

One day in October, Mommy gave Bean an ice cream scoop. He crawled around with it for a couple hours - taking it everywhere! He banged on a FedEx box....

And eventually he took a nap, clutching that precious ice cream scoop the whole time!

The day the following pictures were taken was the day Bennett REALLY started pulling to a stand. He had spent 3 weeks attempting to crawl forward, but only succeeding in going backwards (it was very frustrating for everyone in earshot.). He had just days before FINALLY figured out how to army/alligator crawl decided it was time to start standing up. Oy. Here are a couple pictures of him in pull-to-stand action!

And, finally, the turtle! Bennett was a turtle for Halloween. We headed off to a BABS Halloween party, planned by myself and a fellow BABS mom whose son, Ivan, is about 2-3 weeks older than Bennett. We've known each other (from childbirth class) since before the boys were born. Venus is starting up a fabulous baby photography business and took incredible pictures of all the costumed babies at the party! The first two photos are by her. The others are just candids by yours truly.

Other than what's shown, we're getting through some major sleep disturbances with Bennett, caused by all the milestones he's hitting. The little guy sits up, crawls, and rolls around restlessly in his sleep these days. Adventures for all! It's pretty frustrating for him when he crawls into the wall and repeatedly hits his head...while still asleep! We've a couple times seen him sit up still seemingly asleep, then suddenly wake up and get verrrrrry upset!

He's also currently sporting rug burn on his forehead, a nicely-bruised goose egg on the side of his head, a lovely bruise on the BACK of his head, and a bruise on one cheek and on his forehead. Poor guy. Our Little Goo is struggling mightily against gravity!...and we're not always fast enough to save him :-/