Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Crappy Post

This is not for the faint of heart.

Consider yourself warned if you decide to keep reading anyway.


That's right. It's a post about poop. You knew, with a baby involved, there would be one eventually. So Bennett is generally a multiple-poop-per-day kind of guy. We knew that the 4-6 poops a day would probably slow down eventually and, over the last week, they have. First it was down to 2-4 poops a day, then quickly down to 1-2. And then he skipped a day entirely.

I think this was his way of laughing at our set-up, wherein Mommy is in charge of input and Daddy is in charge of output. We've been expecting a giant poop all day....and as SOON as Daddy walked out the door to take the dogs for a walk, he pooped the biggest poop I have every seen.

Here's where it gets slightly graphic. You might want to stop. Really.

I have to hand it to the Thirsties diaper cover he was in because, when I opened that cover, there was a soupy poopy mess and NONE of it had leaked out. NOT A DROP! I'm quite impressed.

Though there was no leakage, keeping a 12 week old baby (yes, he's 12 weeks today and this is how he celebrated) from flailing their legs about into the poopy mess proved impossible.

That was a 6 wipe job if ever their was one. And then I had to wipe down his feet...

Don't worry. There will be no photos with this post.

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