Thursday, June 26, 2008

Abundant laughter

Bennett's laugh is getting more abundant and more consistent every day. He loves to be wiggled and have his arms and legs jiggled about. I think we're going to have quite the mover and shaker on our hands in just a few months!!!

We will attempt to get the laughter on video - and post our videos! - soon!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Crappy Post

This is not for the faint of heart.

Consider yourself warned if you decide to keep reading anyway.


That's right. It's a post about poop. You knew, with a baby involved, there would be one eventually. So Bennett is generally a multiple-poop-per-day kind of guy. We knew that the 4-6 poops a day would probably slow down eventually and, over the last week, they have. First it was down to 2-4 poops a day, then quickly down to 1-2. And then he skipped a day entirely.

I think this was his way of laughing at our set-up, wherein Mommy is in charge of input and Daddy is in charge of output. We've been expecting a giant poop all day....and as SOON as Daddy walked out the door to take the dogs for a walk, he pooped the biggest poop I have every seen.

Here's where it gets slightly graphic. You might want to stop. Really.

I have to hand it to the Thirsties diaper cover he was in because, when I opened that cover, there was a soupy poopy mess and NONE of it had leaked out. NOT A DROP! I'm quite impressed.

Though there was no leakage, keeping a 12 week old baby (yes, he's 12 weeks today and this is how he celebrated) from flailing their legs about into the poopy mess proved impossible.

That was a 6 wipe job if ever their was one. And then I had to wipe down his feet...

Don't worry. There will be no photos with this post.

Monday, June 16, 2008

We have LAUGHTER!!!!

Bennett just laughed for the first time! I was sort of swinging him, making him go upside down, then over my head....and he LAUGHED! He had a huge grin on his face and gave us a big laugh!!!

Thank goodness, because he has not been the most pleasant over the past week - but today he has been in a good mood....and this is some very sweet icing on that cake!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Grow Bean, Grow!

Our son, Bennett Weil Carlson, joined the family on March 29th. He has been a pretty wide-eyed little guy from the beginning - earning himself the nickname "Bug-Eyed Bean."

I feel terrible that I didn't blog or journal his first 11 weeks. Now he's smiling, he's discovered his hands (so cute - he likes to attack them and try to get both fists in his mouth), he coos and squeals, and he wiggles alllllll around. He's even rolled over from his tummy to his back a few times. I swear! I didn't believe it until we caught it on video!

Some stats:
-at birth, he was 8lbs, 7 oz and 22 inches long. That's a long, lean baby! With gigantic feet :-)
-at 2 months he was 11lbs, 13oz and 24 inches long.
-this past week (2.5 months) he was 12lbs, 12 oz and 25 inches long!

Matt's got some videos of the babe that he shall post soon. And I'll try to post both video and photos in a timely manner from now on!

For now, there are more photos posted to our flickr account. Enjoy!