Thursday, April 15, 2010

A little experiment

Let's see how many times I have to sit down in order to finish this entry. It's been months since the last (again...) and I have lots of pictures to share, so it could take quite a few!

For my birthday (Jan. 9), we went for a walk in the snow as a family. Bennett loved wearing his boots this winter, though he had a sort of love/hate relationship with snow. He loved sledding one day, refused to go outside the next. He loved going for this walk in the snow, but a week later cried and screamed when I took him sledding. Oh toddlers....they don't know what they want but they want it NOW!

Here are some pictures from my birthday walk!

I showed Bennett how much FUN snow is! We were throwing it up in the air.

Hey. It was MY birthday walk, so I get to throw in a picture of ME!

Happy family :)

There are a few pictures of Bennett throwing the snow, but this is the best action shot.

About a week after my birthday, I was luring Bennett out of the office with a game of "I'm gonna getcha!" and he ran at me, somehow ran BY me, and hit the wall behind me. Nose first. I was sure he'd broken it, and called the pediatrician. Come to find out, the bones in your nose aren't well-developed before about five years it's quite difficult to break your nose at Bennett's age. PHEW! Just bad bruising :(

(Bennett is up from his nap, so there's attempt #1 to update the blog...!)

3 days later, here are some pictures of Bennett's bruised nose.

The end of January brought a fashion trend to the house. Socks on hands, leg warmers on arms. It was all the rage!

Rockin' "under'ear dogs on it! Bones mouth!" along with socks on his hands!

In a cave built just for him by his dad...note the legwarmer on his arm! :)

February brought a TON of snow. Matt built a snow man for Bennett (it would have been with Bennett, but Bennett was not really interested...).

And all the time indoors led to Bennett discovering just how capable he is of reaching higher and higher... He now pushes his trusty step stool all over the kitchen and in the living room - where he can't push the step stool because of the carpet - he uses his car ride-on toy. Yikes!

Nothing on the fridge is safe anymore!!

(I hear an awake boy...there's attempt #2!)

Oooh Matt is going to give me some time alone to try and finish! (so is this attempt #3? Or #2 continued???)

In mid-February, Bennett learned to play the "schyute." He was playing in the living room while I took a shower and when I came out he said, "pay schyute!" He came running over with a air pump I'd gotten a couple days before, extended the pump section, and started "playing" it like a flute! He hummed and swayed. It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. He still does it, 2 months later. And the hose portion of the pump is a dragon!

In mid-March, we enjoyed spring break with a very special visit from Grandpa Mark and Grandma Diane. "Gamma and Gaypa" were quite a hit. We went to the zoo, they took him to WonderLab, there was lots of curling up to read books, tons of playing basketball, a bit of hiking, a rather cold playground excursion. It was a blast! Here are a few of my favorite pictures:

I can't believe how long he will sit so still and quiet for a story now. This is what Bennett calls "The Lion Book" - which was Matt's as a little kid!

A rest during a hike at Griffy Lake (I didn't get to go, but it sure looks like they had a ton of fun!)

A nice snack of cheese and water :)

I love this picture!

At the end of the hike, Bennett and Grandma Diane watched geese together.

Back at home...
Grandma took Bennett and the "soxes" on an adventure over the fence. (Grandma had been showing Bennett these foxes on Skype for months, and she brought them with her and gave them to him!!! He keeps them in a special place and shows them to her now!)

Ain't he cute?

Bennett got this bike for his birthday and it was quite a hit.

Grandma and Grandpa also bought him this sweet helmet with frogs on it!

And, of course, in March we announced that we're expecting again! The Thing is due October 2, 2010! Here I am a few weeks ago, 13 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I've also decided to do photos with my head in them this time - you can watch my belly and my hair grow!....I'm really hoping I'll be able to put my hair in a ponytail by the time The Thing arrives. Right now my goal is to be able to pull the top and sides back...and I'm reallllly close to that!

I am now 16 weeks pregnant, and I definitely have a bit of a belly. I'll try to get some pictures soon and upload them. With any luck, there will be a few blog entries between now and The Thing's birth!!