Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm tired.

Bennett's walking is wearing me out.
The end.
Love to all.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Annnnnnd we have walking!

Bennett took his first steps Monday morning - right before plopping his poopy bottom onto the bathroom floor. Hey - there are much worse places he could have chosen to plop a poopy bottom!

Tuesday we caught it on video, and it was hilarious! Today he wasn't much interested in walking - he did it a few times, but nowhere near as far or as consistently as he was last night. I think it was like an amusement park ride for him last night!! Doesn't he know that walking is serious business?

Our day today - baby psych experiment = really cool...then mommy embarassment

I realized recently that the things I should really be posting for family, friends, and others who are specifically interested in Bennett and the rest of our team I have often been posting on a forum I frequented during my pregnancy (especially while on bedrest).

That's pretty silly.

So, in the interest of starting to share this stuff with people who goes!

Science is Cool
Matt and I signed Bennett up to participate in some studies through the Psychology and Brain Science School...or whatever the hell they call it here. They contact us when there is a study going on for babies/children his current age. So today we headed off for our first study.

They didn't tell us exactly what they were looking for in the beginning - just what they were going to do. The meat of the experiment consisted of a box with two holes and two lids. The experimenter used those claw grabber things (if you know what I'm talking about) to put a toy into the hole to our left, put the lid on, take the lid off, get the toy out, show it to Bennett. He did this over and over. I lost count and was honestly a bit entranced by it - it was kind of rhythmic and he did the same actions over and over, including putting the grabber things out of sight during the process -- which Bennett watched as closely as he did what happened to the toy.

Anyway, at the very end, the experimenter put the toy in the hole to our right, and then pushed the whole thing toward us. Bennett went to look for the toy in the hole to the left.

Apparently, this was a very close copy of an old experiment. They got these same results the first time. However, they copied it before and got the opposite result -- the babies went for the correct hole.

So what was different during that first copy? The babies could not see the hands of the experimenter manipulating the claws! So they posit that there is some social aspect to where the baby thinks the toy is placed! Isn't that cool?

Science is Embarrassing....
Right before we went for the experiment, I woke Bennett up from his nap (yes, he's only taking one freaking nap a day now...and everyone is suffering). In the interest of tanking him up during the daylight hours so he sleeps a little better at night, I nursed him while he was still drowsy - and then very hurriedly got him ready to leave the house.

Guess what? I discovered when I was getting back in the car after the experiment that I never put back up the stupid access panel on my nursing bra. And you could tell (I noticed in a reflection, not because it felt weird).

The worst part? They videotaped Bennett and me, and have permission to use the video for whatever purpose (conferences, lectures, etc). I suppose I could call and say, "please do not use any footage where you can see the outline of my breast," but I'm a little embarrassed at the prospect! I mean, I think it would have to be added to my consent form, and I don't really want to call further attention to it...
